It depends. Annoying, I know. But it’s your process. You come as long as you think it’s valuable, and I’ll check in with you regularly to ensure we’re working in a way that’s effective for you. We need to be on the same page, and I value your feedback and collaboration in making sure we are.


I heard a quote once.  "Issues are like belly buttons.  We all have them."  It takes a lot of courage to look inward, and I think it’s one of the most valuable things you can do for yourself (and your belly button).  


  • Bachelor’s of Social Services, Counselling (Distinction)

  • Dip. Holistic Life Coaching

  • Juris Doctor (Law Graduate (Hons), U.S. plus Admission to MT Bar)

  • Bachelor’s of Science/Animal Science

Weird, I know. I started out university taking classes in the Social Sciences (psychology, sociology, political science) and loved them - but did what I thought I “should” instead.

I worked in Washington D.C. for a Senator, then as a lobbyist in the field of agriculture. I went back to school to become a lawyer, and was then involved in those careers for 13 years - some in the U.S., some in New Zealand.

Along the way I ended up lost and miserable. I found a life coach who helped transform the way I thought about everything. As I underwent this journey, I learned whatever I could about human development, human behaviour, human potential and the human condition.

Then I went back and got my degree in counselling, and saw a psychotherapist. I believe every therapist should have their own therapist, or have participated in therapy. We need to be unhooked from our own stuff and be innately familiar with what it’s like to sit on the couch (or the chair).

I am also registered with the NZ Association of Counsellors as a full member. This means I adhere to standards of professionalism, ethics and continuing professional development.

All of it has given me a unique perspective on life, and enriched my story. And I landed where I first began - my authentic self. With courage, resilience, resources and community, I believe we can all find ourselves - over and over again.


I believe that our past impacts our present, our physiology, and how we operate in the world, but it needn’t be that way forever. You can learn to unravel the past and manage your life differently.

It’s important to me to practice as a trauma-informed therapist. This means I look through a lens that considers unhealthy behaviours as coping mechanisms rather than a pathological ‘problem’. Healing trauma involves finding ways to move forward safely in the world. Trauma approaches should also consider all discrimination and its impacts on individuals and the collective.

I practice in an integrated way - so I use different things for different people depending on what we decide together will be most useful.

I also use elements of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), mindfulness, somatic therapy, principles from neuroscience, psychodynamic therapy (childhood dynamics), and internal family systems.


Some of the Other training I've done.

Somatic Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Trauma - Dr Paris Williams (ongoing)

The Nature of Trauma - Trauma & The Brain, Jane Valentine, The Grief Centre

Complex & Relational Trauma, Naomi Halpern, Delphi Institute

Trauma and the Limbic System - NICABM (National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioural Medicine)

Deep Dive Into Racism & Its Undoing - School of Inclusion

Working With People With Eating Disorders - Southern Support Eating Disorders

Understanding and Working with Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating: Essential Skills - Te Pou

Addiction 101 - Blueprint for Learning

The Teen Brain - with Nathan Mikaere Wallis (Child Counsellor, Developmental Expert and Teacher) 

Intimacy for Couples - Workshop for Therapists - with Sean Tonnet (Psychotherapist/Relationship Therapist)

Introduction to Te Tiriti o Waitangi Workshop - with Ron Bull and Penelope Kinney

Tihei-wa Mauri Ora (kaupapa Maori counselling resource) with Teina Piripi/also developed by Vivienne Body

Getting the Love You Want Couples Workshop - with Yvonne and Brian Pauling

Practical Application of the Latest Discoveries from Neuroscience - with Dr John Arden (Psychologist)

Brain Development and Learning - with Nathan Mikaere Wallis (Child Counsellor, Developmental Expert and Teacher) 

Depression and Suicide Prevention in Men - with Barry Taylor (NZ Suicide Expert)

How to Work With the Patterns that Sustain Depression - with NICABM (National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioural Medicine)

Women's Wisdom - with Nianna Bray (Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Women’s Empowerment Teacher)

Meditation and Breathing Retreat - with Clement McGrath (Transformation Coach, Creator of Miracles and Mastery)

Mythology Archetypes Retreat - with Clement McGrath and Voni Dyson (Transformation Coach)

altMBA - developed by Seth Godin for high-performing individuals who want to level up and lead 

B-School (with Marie Forleo)

Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness. No one gets fancy letters for doing them, but they are transformational.  I’ve been practicing now for 17 years and it’s been one of the best things I’ve ever decided to do for myself.